Bridgewater College offices will be closed starting at noon on Friday, December 20 through Wednesday, January 1 for the holiday season. Campus offices will reopen at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, January 2.

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Home Academics ASPIRE


A Celebration of the Arts, Scholarship, Performance, Innovation and Research Excellence

Want to share your research with your peers? See fantastic performances, presentations and art exhibitions? Join us for ASPIRE: A Celebration of the Arts, Scholarship, Performance, Innovation and Research Excellence.

Late in the spring semester, the College dedicates a week to showcasing the accomplishments of its students and faculty across all areas of study. You are invited to check out the latest faculty research, sign up to share your own work and more. It’s a tribute to the amazing work that goes on here at Bridgewater College. Every day. Every week. Every year. And this is our chance to celebrate it!


Celebrating 10 Years of ASPIRE

Wednesday, April 9

1:30-3 p.m. Poster Session 1: Science and Health Innovations
Second floor of the Forrer Learning Commons
Participants: Anna Zurlo, Casey Beard, Jana Shyti & Laura Alinani, Ifeatu Udokwu, Erica Nelson, Shyanne Jackson, Saron Enyew, Madison Martinez

Anna Zurlo – Effects of Variable and Constant Load Cycling on Cortisol and Testosterone Production (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Robert Shute)
This study examines how different cycling workloads affect hormone production. By comparing constant and interval training, it assesses physiological responses related to endurance and stress adaptation.

Casey Beard – Autism and Gender: A Review of the Gaps in Current Research (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Erin Miller)
This literature review analyzes existing research on autism spectrum disorder in females compared to males. It examines symptom and presentation differences, potential causes or influences, and gaps in knowledge. The study highlights disparities in diagnosis and research focus, emphasizing the need for a more inclusive understanding of autism.

Jana Shyti & Laura Alinani – Exploring the Roles of Genetics, Gender, Nurturing, and Learning Methods in Mathematical Skills Development (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Verne Leininger)
This study examines the interplay between genetics, gender, and environmental factors in mathematical skill development. It evaluates different learning methods to determine their effectiveness in fostering mathematical proficiency.

Ifeatu UdokwuExploring β-Lactones as Potential Alternatives in the Fight Against Antibiotic Resistance (TREB; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Barnabas Otoo)
This research investigates β-lactones as potential antibiotics. The study synthesizes and tests these compounds for antimicrobial properties, aiming to develop novel strategies against antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Erica Nelson – Using Chronopotentiometry to Explore the Effect of Chemical Additives on Electron Diffusion in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Ian McNeil)
This study investigates how lithium ions and 4-tert-butyl-pyridine affect electron diffusion in dye-sensitized solar cells. Results contribute to improving the efficiency and performance of alternative solar technologies.

Shyanne Jackson – Development of Pathogenic Mutant Strains Belonging to the Alpha-Keto Acid Dehydrogenase Complex in the TCA Cycle (Class; Faculty Mentors: Dr. Stephen Baron and Dr. Rippa Sehgal)
This study investigates mitochondrial enzyme mutations linked to neurodegenerative diseases. By developing and analyzing mutant strains, the research aims to enhance understanding of enzyme dysfunction and potential therapeutic targets.

Saron Enyew – Optimizing Protein Concentration and Buffer Conditions for Crystallization of 12α-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase from Methanosphaera Stadtmanae (Class; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Rippa Sehgal)
This research focuses on optimizing crystallization conditions for 12α-HSDH, an enzyme involved in steroid metabolism. By refining protein purification techniques and buffer compositions, the study aims to improve crystal quality for future structural analysis.

Madison Martinez – Assessing Batrachochytrium Dendrobatidis Infection in Nothophthalmus Viridescens and Plethodon Cinereus at Deep Run Ponds, Rockingham County (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Gavin Lawson)
This study investigates the spread of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, a fungal pathogen affecting amphibians. It analyzes infection rates in aquatic and terrestrial species, highlighting potential environmental transmission routes./ht

2-3:30 p.m. Panel 1: History and Political Science
Forrer Learning Commons 217
Panel Chair: Dr. Yuka Hiruma Kishida
Participants: Eric Wilbur, Alex Thompson, Tyler Willett, Marlen Hernandez-Perez

Eric Wilbur – British Intelligence and the Iraqi Revolt of 1920: How the British Failed to Administer Iraq (TREB; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Brandon Marsh)
The British administration in Iraq ignored local grievances, leading to nationalist uprisings. This research examines how British economic exploitation and political mismanagement directly caused the 1920 Iraqi Revolt.

Eric Wilbur – Revolutions in July: Three Military Coups in Iraq in Ten Years (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Brandon Marsh)
Between 1958 and 1968, Iraq experienced three coups that shaped its modern history. This research explores Cold War influences, internal divisions, and the emergence of Saddam Hussein as a political force.

Alex Thompson – Changing the Perception: Women in Combat (Class; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Maria Paz Esguerra)
Women’s roles in the U.S. military have evolved significantly, particularly in combat positions. This research traces policy shifts from the Women’s Armed Services Integration Act of 1948 to the repeal of the Combat Exclusion Policy, analyzing how modern warfare has challenged traditional perceptions of women in combat.

Alex Thompson – U.S. Occupation of Okinawa: Memories of Okinawans (Independent; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Yuka Kishida)
After the Battle of Okinawa, the U.S. military occupation shaped the island’s post-war identity, separating it from mainland Japan and suppressing freedoms under military governance. This research examines how Okinawans’ voices have been excluded from historical narratives.

Tyler Willett – Bomb Shelters and the Nuclear Family (Class; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Maria Paz Esguerra)
The Cold War-era bomb shelter symbolized both physical protection and societal expectations of the “perfect” nuclear family. This research explores how government propaganda and domestic preparedness campaigns reinforced traditional gender roles and family structures during the 1960s.

Marlen Hernandez-Perez – El Paso Laundry Strike 1919 (Class; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Maria Paz Esguerra)
This project examines the 1919 El Paso laundry strike, a labor movement led by Mexican and Mexican-American women demanding fair wages and safer working conditions. The strike highlights the intersection of race, gender, and class in labor struggles, offering insight into the overlooked contributions of Mexican-American women to U.S. labor history.

2:15-3:45 p.m. Discussion Panel 1: Woe to the Shepherds – An Analysis of the Modern American Faith Institution
Forrer Learning Commons 215
Moderator: Grayson Preece
Participants: Meredith Scheiner, Paige Cramer, Ewan Benjamin

Meredith Scheiner – The Megachurch as an Idol: How the Church Replaces God with Itself
Paige Cramer –  Reaching: A Play on the Detriments of Evangelism on Identity
Ewan Benjamin – Shepherds of Loss: Religion and Grief in the Southeastern United States
(Faculty Mentors: Dr. Carol Scheppard, Dr. Scott Cole, Dr. Betsy Hayes)

This panel explores the complexities of faith institutions in modern America, examining their intersections with politics, social issues, and theology. Scheiner’s research focuses on the idolatry of megachurch institutions, Benjamin investigates how religious leaders aid in grief and conceptualizing loss, and Cramer presents Reaching, a theatrical exploration of religious trauma and identity. Together, they provide a multi-faceted discussion on the role of faith in contemporary society.

3:15-4:45 p.m. Poster Session 2: Arts, Media, and History
Second floor of the Forrer Learning Commons
Participants: Carmen Kennedy, Maria Gavriilidou, Kiya Whitaker, Matthew Leonard, Luis Gutierrez Palacios, Nana Montans & Dr. Stephen Baron, Marisol Contreras, Elizabeth Burzumato

Carmen Kennedy – Surrealist Photography: Past, Present, and Future (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Prof. Scott Jost)
This project explores surrealist photography through historical and contemporary lenses. It examines the influence of classic surrealists, modern digital manipulation, and the potential role of AI in surrealist artistic expression.

Maria Gavriilidou –  Beyond the Curtains: An Architectural Approach to Theatre (Class; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Scott Cole)
This project explores sustainable and accessible theater design. It includes architectural plans, a 3D model, and a research report detailing how design choices can enhance accessibility and environmental responsibility in performance spaces.

Kiya Whitaker – Starstrike: The First Chapter (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Prof. Ron Alabanza)
This project showcases the creation of an original superhero character, Starstrike. Through graphic design and storytelling, it explores the development of superhero narratives and their cultural significance.

Matthew Leonard – Data Analytics and Real Estate Trends (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Daniel Finseth)
This study explores the integration of real estate data sources to enhance market analysis. By combining transaction records, census data, and economic indicators, it aims to improve predictive modeling for property trends.

Luis Gutierrez Palacios – A Comparative Study of State and Federally Regulated Credit Unions: Performance, Risk, and Regulatory Impact (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Ralph Monaco)
This study analyzes the impact of state and federal regulations on credit union performance. Using financial data and statistical analysis, it compares risk levels, service quality, and regulatory effects across different credit unions.

Nana Montans & Dr. Stephen Baron – Detection of Transcriptional Regulators for the Polyhydroxyalkanoate Depolymerase Gene from Streptomyces nymphaeiformis by Fluorescence EMSA (Class)
This study investigates regulatory proteins involved in bacterial plastic degradation. Using fluorescence electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA), it identifies potential transcriptional regulators of the phaZ gene.

Marisol Contreras – Spanglish: Fact or Fiction (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Alma Ramirez-Trujillo)
This study examines whether bilingual Spanish-English speakers follow grammatical rules when using Spanglish. Using a linguistic questionnaire, the research evaluates patterns in code-switching and assesses the structured nature of bilingual language mixing. The findings contribute to the broader debate on Spanglish as a linguistic system.

Elizabeth Burzumato – Worldbuilding in Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Tabletop Roleplaying Games (TREB; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Sam Hamilton)
This research explores worldbuilding principles in fantasy, science fiction, and tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs). By analyzing classic and contemporary works, the study develops a “worldbuilding taxonomy” that can be applied to creative writing and game development. The findings were used to create an original world consisting of 13 unique planets.

3:45-4:45 p.m. Panel 2: Science and Technology
Forrer Learning Commons 217
Panel Chair: Dr. Elizabeth MacDougall
Participants: Felisa Racinez, Abby Martin, Molly Ecroyd

Felisa Racinez – Vibration Reduction System for an APNT Device (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Mohammad Uddin)
An APNT (Assured Positioning Navigation and Timing) device provides navigation data in GPS-denied areas to support mission success. Vibration can cause divergence of APNT data in the field and this project will work to find a solution to prevent this. Various design alternatives were made and tested using a 3-axis accelerometer. The objective of this project was to design and build a vibration reduction system in which an APNT device can be installed.

Abby Martin – Training the Brain for Better Aging (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Prof. Alison Snook)
Aging brings natural changes in brain function, but interventions like brain training exercises and physical activity can enhance cognitive health. This research explores the role of mental and physical exercises in preventing neurodegenerative diseases, with a focus on real-world applications at Bridgewater Retirement Community.

Molly Ecroyd – Medical Illustrations of Human Facial Muscles and Heart Anatomy (Honors; Faculty Mentors: Dr. Gavin Lawson, Prof. Eric Kniss, Dr. Leah Washington)
This presentation explores medical illustration as a field, including its history, biases in representation, and career opportunities. The project showcases a series of anatomical drawings of human facial muscles and heart anatomy, created through detailed observational work. The research highlights how medical illustrations shape public and professional understanding of human biology and their importance in medical education.

5-6:15 p.m. Panel 3: Science and Technology II
Forrer Learning Commons 217
Panel Chair: Dr. Elizabeth MacDougall
Participants: Megan Wimmer, Daniel Shulgan, Brock Zorn, Emily P. Martinez Caseres

Megan Wimmer – Effects of Rest-Pause Sets on Testosterone, Cortisol and Muscle Activation (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Robert Shute)
This study examines the effects of traditional weightlifting sets (TWS) versus rest-pause (RP) training on muscle activation and testosterone secretion. Participants perform back squat and bench press exercises under both frameworks, with saliva samples and electromyography (EMG) used to measure hormonal and muscular responses. Findings may inform strength training strategies, particularly for maintaining muscle mass in older adults.

Daniel Shulgan – CryptGuard: A Secure Password Manager (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Prof. Lorinda Cullip)
CryptGuard is an advanced password manager designed to store and encrypt user credentials securely. This research presents the software’s development, security features, and its role in mitigating cybersecurity risks.

Brock Zorn – A Protein’s Journey: From a Baseline, In-Vitro Understanding of a Protein Family to In-Vivo Experimentation of the Purification, Characterization, and Unit Composition of 12α-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Through Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography (Martin; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Rippa Sehgal)
This research investigates the structure and function of 12α-HSDH, an enzyme involved in bile acid metabolism. Using protein chromatography and enzymatic assays, the study aims to refine understanding of its biochemical properties.

Emily P. Martinez Caseres – Optimizing Protein Concentration for Crystallization of 12α-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase from Methanosphaera Stadtmanae (Independent; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Rippa Sehgal)
12α-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase (12α-HSDH) plays a key role in bile acid metabolism. This research optimizes crystallization conditions for 12α-HSDH from Methanosphaera stadtmanae to obtain diffraction-quality crystals for structural studies. Through protein overexpression, purification, and crystallization trials, two new conditions were identified using PEG-based screening. Ongoing efforts focus on crystallizing the enzyme with rare intermediates to advance structural analysis and biochemical understanding.

7 p.m. Chamber Music Concert
Concert Hall, Carter Center for Worship and Music
Featuring performances by the BC Percussion Ensemble, Flute Choir, Saxophone Ensemble, Clarinet Ensemble, Chamber Strings and much more.

Thursday, April 10

12:30-2 p.m. Poster Session 3: Business, Leadership, and AI
Second floor of the Forrer Learning Commons
Participants: Jared Mullins; Wendy Lagunas, Gracy Bustillio, Azayra Martinez, Valeria Barajas, Jeferson Contreras, Jhones Bonilla Guevara, Yoel Galeano Molina, Kristen Moncada Santos, Caleb Palacios, Estrella Ramos; Jared Nichols; Eve Umberger; Sydney Ebach; Andrew Hall; Jackson Wicker, Brandon D’Amour; Ryan Perry & Brock Zorn; Brandon D’Amour

Jared Mullins – The Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Service Industries: Exploring Federal and State Regulations and Assessing Benefits and Concerns (TREB, Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Sevinj Iskandarova)
This research examines AI adoption in the insurance industry, analyzing regulatory challenges, consumer perceptions, and ethical considerations. A survey assesses customer attitudes toward AI-driven services.

Wendy Lagunas, Gracy Bustillio, Azayra Martinez, Valeria Barajas, Jeferson Contreras, Jhones Bonilla Guevara, Yoel Galeano Molina, Kristen Moncada Santos, Caleb Palacios, Estrella Ramos – Exploring Hispanic Leadership: Insights from the United States Hispanic Leadership Institute (Class; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Alma Ramirez-Trujillo)
This presentation examines insights from USHLI 2025, focusing on cultural identity, leadership barriers, and strategies for professional growth. The discussion highlights the role of mentorship, advocacy, and representation in fostering Hispanic leadership.

Jared Nichols – Understanding Customer Loyalty in the Automobile Industry: The Case of Ford Motors in the State of Virginia (TREB; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Nuradeen Nuhu)
This study explores the factors influencing Ford customer loyalty in Virginia. Survey and interview data reveal the roles of brand perception, pricing, and service quality in consumer retention.

Eve Umberger – An Evaluation of Promotional Tools: Trends and Practices (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Nuradeen Nuhu)
This study analyzes marketing and promotional tools used across industries. It evaluates the effectiveness of advertising, sales promotions, and digital media in brand awareness and consumer engagement.

Sydney Ebach – State Law Arbitrage: Understanding Business Strategies in a Patchwork Legal Landscape (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Daniel Finseth)
This study investigates how businesses exploit differences in state laws to gain competitive advantages. Through industry surveys and legal analysis, the research identifies key factors that shape business strategies and influence state economic competitiveness.

Andrew Hall – Building for Impact: A Guide to Nonprofit Property Acquisition (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Daniel Finseth)
This research examines strategies for nonprofit organizations to acquire property. It explores funding models, legal challenges, and mission alignment, providing guidance for sustainable growth and long-term impact.

Jackson Wicker – Leadership in the Construction Industry: An LMX Analysis (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Daniel Finseth)
This study examines leadership styles in the construction industry. It analyzes the impact of leader-member exchange (LMX) relationships on employee engagement, productivity, and workplace dynamics.

Ryan Perry & Brock Zorn – A Protein’s Journey: Characterization of 12α-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase (Class; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Rippa Sehgal)
This research investigates the structure and function of 12α-HSDH, an enzyme involved in bile acid metabolism. Using protein chromatography and enzymatic assays, the study aims to refine understanding of its biochemical properties.

Brandon D’Amour – A Reassessment of Altman’s Z-Score: A Meta-Analysis (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Daniel Finseth)
This research reassesses Altman’s Z-Score, a bankruptcy prediction model, to determine its current effectiveness. By analyzing financial industry insights and alternative models, the study evaluates the Z-Score’s relevance in today’s economy and suggests possible updates to improve accuracy.

2-3:30 p.m. Panel 4: Gender and Society
Forrer Learning Commons 217
Panel Chair: Dr. Jenny Martin
Participants: Allie Jansen, Tayte Mills, Kaitlyn Atchison, Sebastian Kochall

Allie Jansen – Behind the Bars: The Injustices of Staff-Perpetrated Sexual Violence in U.S. Women’s Prisons (Class; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Maria Paz Esguerra)
A recent Congressional report found that between 2012 and 2020, staff-perpetrated sexual assault occurred in 19 of 29 U.S. federal women’s prisons. Despite legal prohibitions under the Prison Rape Elimination Act, the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) has failed to acknowledge or address these assaults, fostering impunity for perpetrators. This paper examines how such violence extends punishment beyond incarceration by stripping women of physical autonomy and denying them justice. It argues that staff-perpetrated sexual violence in women’s prisons is both a gender and criminal justice issue, requiring distinct attention beyond broader critiques of rape culture or the prison system.

Tayte Mills – Women in the Domestic Sphere: 1950s-60s and the Seeds of Change (Class; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Maria Paz Esguerra)
Women of the Cold War era faced strong societal expectations to remain in the domestic sphere. This research examines how the push for women to be homemakers in the 1950s-60s laid the groundwork for the feminist movements of the later 20th century.

Kaitlyn Atchison – Title IX Effects on Women’s Sports (Class; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Maria Paz Esguerra)
This research examines the impact of Title IX on women’s sports in public schools and colleges since its passage in 1972. It explores the law’s role in promoting gender equality, ongoing debates about its effects, and the challenges schools face in implementing and communicating Title IX policies.

Sebastian Kochall – Case Studies of Feminism during the Second Sino-Japanese War: How Survival took Precedent over Suffrage (Faculty Mentor: Dr. Yuka Kishida)
This presentation examines how feminism in China and Japan became secondary to survival during the Second Sino-Japanese War. Through the experiences of Ichikawa Fusae, He Xiangning, and Lei Guiying, the study explores how political pressures, war conditions, and social expectations forced women to prioritize national survival over feminist advancements. Each case highlights the shifting role of women in wartime, demonstrating how the struggle for survival temporarily eclipsed efforts toward gender equality.

2:05-3:35 p.m. Poster Session 4: Engineering, Mathematics, and Science Applications
Second floor of the Forrer Learning Commons
Participants: Mighty Doffoe, Livy Daniels, Meklit Worku, Evelyn Rhoads & Avery Hart, Isaac Plange, Annaliese Franklin, Katie Griffin, Keelie Minnick, Rachael Meyers, Emily Lang, Caris Cianelli

Mighty Doffoe – A Search for a Power Series with Cubic Items Which Has Equally Spaced Roots (TREB, Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Verne Leininger)
This mathematical study explores power series with cubic terms that result in equally spaced roots. By analyzing coefficient modifications and function derivations, the research seeks to identify non-periodic series with potential applications in engineering and numerical methods.

Livy Daniels – Systems Thinking to Relation to Chemistry and Lead (Class; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Ellen Mitchell)
This project applies systems thinking to environmental chemistry, focusing on lead contamination. By utilizing SOCME diagrams and green chemistry principles, the study explores the broader environmental and societal impacts of lead, emphasizing regulatory and human health considerations.

Meklit Worku – Observed 1,3-H Shift During Lactonization of α-Vinyl and α-Ethynyl (Class; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Barnabas Otoo)
This research explores the 1,3-H shift in organic chemistry reactions. It investigates the formation of lactones and their potential applications in synthetic chemistry and pharmaceuticals.

Evelyn Rhoads & Avery Hart – The Stories That Spiderwebs Tell (Class; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Barnabas Otoo)
This study analyzes spider web composition using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Findings identify distinct chemical compounds that provide insights into environmental conditions and spider behavior.

Isaac Plange – Variable Speed Pool Pump Performance and Diagnosis Using Frequency Domain Analysis (TREB, Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Derli Amaral)
This study examines the performance of variable-speed pool pumps through frequency domain analysis. It investigates how flow restrictions impact pump efficiency and suggests best practices for energy conservation.

Annaliese Franklin – Exploring Cost-Effective and Asymmetric Alternatives to 9-BBN (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Barnabas Otoo)
This study investigates alternative hydroboration agents to 9-BBN for organic synthesis. By synthesizing chiral analogs from inexpensive precursors, the research explores cost-effective methods for achieving regioselectivity in reduction reactions.

Katie Griffin – Exploring 7-BBH as an Alternative to 9-BBN (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Barnabas Otoo)
This study examines the synthesis and applications of 7-BBH, a potential alternative to 9-BBN in hydroboration reactions. By evaluating cost-effectiveness and solubility improvements, the research explores its viability in organic synthesis.

Keelie Minnick – Stormwater Management Across Campus (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Timothy Kreps)
This analysis identifies problem areas in Bridgewater College’s stormwater management system. It proposes solutions to improve drainage, reduce flooding, and enhance environmental sustainability on campus.

Rachael Meyers – Analysis of Creel Data (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Tamara Johnstone-Yellin)
This study analyzes recreational fishing data from Virginia’s Creel Survey. By examining trends over time, it assesses changes in river use and evaluates the sustainability of fish populations.

Emily Lang – Creating a Navigational System with Directions in Units of Time (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Deva O’Neil)
This project develops a navigation tool that provides directions based on time rather than distance. Using an inertial measurement unit (IMU) and coding algorithms, it calculates estimated arrival times based on movement patterns.

Caris Cianelli – Prevalence Rates of tetB, tetA, and tetM Tetracycline Resistance Genes in Environmental Escherichia coli Isolates from Local Waterways (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Stephen Baron)
This study investigates the prevalence of antibiotic resistance genes tetA, tetB, and tetM in environmental E. coli isolates. Water samples from urban and agricultural sources were analyzed using DNA extraction and PCR techniques. Results indicate varying resistance rates, with potential implications for public health and environmental monitoring.

3:30-4:45 p.m. Panel 5: Economics and Business
Forrer Learning Commons 215

Panel Chair: Dr. Maria Lugo
Participants: Sophia Martone, Miles Hudson, Shelby Herrold

Sophia Martone – Credit Unions and Interest Rate Risk: A Pre- and Post-Monetary Tightening Analysis (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. David Huffman)
This study examines how recent Federal Reserve policy changes have affected credit unions’ interest rate risk. By analyzing financial metrics before and after the 2022 tightening cycle, the research provides insights into how credit unions adapt to economic uncertainty.

Sophia Martone – Nonprofit Outcome Valuation: A Case Study (Faculty Mentor: Dr. Daniel Finseth)
Using a case study of a Virginia free clinic, this research quantifies the economic value of nonprofit healthcare services. Findings highlight how nonprofits contribute to community well-being and inform strategies for resource allocation and impact measurement.

Miles Hudson – Strange Bedfellows: An Exploration of Factions and Conflicts in the Peronist Right Wing (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Kevin Pallister)
The right-wing of Argentina’s Peronist movement before the 1976 military coup was not a unified force but a collection of competing factions. This paper examines their ideological conflicts, strategic alliances, and eventual fragmentation, shedding light on how internal power struggles weakened the movement and paved the way for military rule.

Shelby Herrold – Impacts of Labor on Women Within Communist China (Class; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Yuka Kishida)
Despite constitutional promises of equality, women in Communist China faced significant labor challenges. While education and workforce participation expanded, traditional stereotypes and systemic barriers persisted, particularly in industrial jobs. This research examines the discrepancy between ideology and reality in the CCP’s treatment of women workers and explores whether true equality is achievable under state-controlled socialism.

3:40-5:10 p.m. Poster Session Group 5: Psychology, Education, and Social Issues
Second floor of the Forrer Learning Commons
Participants: Jennifer Harrison, Rory Cantwell, Jordie Roberts, Chloe Nichols, Jamie Rexrode, Hannah England, Cassie Carte, Reagan Maynard, Kaitlyn Mininger, Rion Prugh, Logan Petrie

Jennifer Harrison – Assessing Implications Through General Strain Theory: Comparative Analysis of Crime Rates in Flint and Pontiac, Michigan (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Benjamin Albers)
This study applies General Strain Theory to assess how environmental stressors, such as the Flint water crisis, influence crime rates. A comparison with Pontiac, Michigan, helps identify sociological factors affecting crime trends.

Rory Cantwell – Reflections from a Summer Literacy Intervention: Unlocking a Love of Literacy for Struggling Readers (TREB, Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jenny Martin)
This study examines Camp Curious, a literacy intervention designed for struggling readers. The camp provides engaging literacy experiences for third through sixth graders while also offering hands-on teaching experience for pre-service educators. Findings highlight the importance of positive literacy associations and interactive learning in improving student engagement.

Jordie Roberts – Affordable Meals: The Challenge of Finding Healthy, Inexpensive Meals in the U.S. (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Prof. Skip Burzumato
This project explores the challenges of food insecurity in the U.S. It examines the impact of legislation on food access and includes a digital cookbook featuring nutritious, budget-friendly meals.

Chloe Nichols – Burnout in Healthcare Professionals Caring for Patients with Neurocognitive Disorders (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Elizabeth MacDougall)
This qualitative study examines burnout among healthcare providers in dementia care. Interviews reveal how caregiving demands impact well-being and explore coping strategies for reducing stress.

Jamie RexrodeAddressing Common Challenges with Cohabitation (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Gwen Jones)
This literature review examines the factors that influence relationship success and dissolution in cohabitating couples. It explores financial, emotional, and social challenges associated with cohabitation.

Hannah England – Opinions on Spanglish (Class; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Alma Ramirez-Trujillo
This study surveys native Spanish speakers and Spanish learners to assess their opinions on Spanglish. The research examines differences in attitudes toward the use of Spanglish, shedding light on how bilingual communities perceive it.

Cassie Carte – Misogyny in Social Media (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Benjamin Albers)
This project explores the prevalence and impact of misogyny in online spaces. It examines how verbal harassment and gender-based violence have transitioned to social media, analyzing its consequences and theoretical explanations. The study provides insight into the social structures that enable online misogyny.

Reagan Maynard – Chess in the Everyday Classroom (Honors, Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jenny Martin)
This project proposes integrating chess into elementary education to develop problem-solving, strategic thinking, and social-emotional skills. It outlines curriculum adaptations and pedagogical benefits of chess-based learning.

Kaitlyn Mininger – Exploring the Psychological Dimensions of Sports Injuries and Time Out from Sport (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Nicholas Erdman)
This study investigates the psychological effects of sports-related injuries, including fear of reinjury and depression. Survey results from collegiate athletes highlight the role of sports medicine professionals in recovery.

Rion Prugh – A Sociological Analysis of the Rehabilitation Processes Within the Virginia State Penal System (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Tim Brazill)
This study analyzes rehabilitation programs in Virginia’s correctional system. Through interviews and case studies, it identifies barriers to successful reintegration and explores ways to improve rehabilitation outcomes.

Logan Petrie – Mentor Texts of an Area Coordinator for Residence Life (Honors; Faculty Mentor: Dr. Jenny Martin)
This project develops mentorship materials for newly recruited Area Coordinators in residence life. It provides structured lesson plans, staff training guidelines, and event planning templates to enhance leadership in residential communities.

Friday, April 11

1-1:50 p.m. Discussion Panel 2: Women’s Interdisciplinary Representation in the 1960s/1970s  
Forrer Learning Commons 215

Moderator: Briana Carlsen
Participants: Briana Carlsen, Juliann Jacobs, Perla Santana

Briana Carlsen – Abortion Access and Feminist Unity Pre- and Post-Roe v. Wade
Juliann Jacobs – Feminist Art Movement and Its Challenge to the Male-Dominated Art World
Perla Santana – Chicana Feminism and Resistance within the Chicano Movement
(Faculty Mentor: Dr. Maria Paz Esguerra)

2-2:50 p.m. Faculty Scholarship Colloquium: Dr. Verne Leininger, Associate Professor of Mathematics & Computer Science
Forrer Learning Commons 215
Dr. Verne Leininger – Order 3 Pluperfect Digital Invariants
Having completely characterized order 2 pluperfect digital invariants, attention is now focused on order 3. While a complete characterization is still elusive, several families of solutions have been found. This presentation will start with the assumption that the audience knows nothing about pluperfect digital invariants and work its way to current research on order 3.

6 p.m. Symphonic Band
Cole Hall
Under the direction of Dr. Christine Carrillo, the Symphonic Band will perform works for wind band, including Suite of Old American Dances by Robert Russell Bennett, Deep River by Benjamin Horne, Blue and Green Music by Samuel Hazo, Forward/Still by Omar Thomas, Un Cafecito by Dennis Llinás, and music from How To Train Your Dragon by John Powell.

Saturday, April 12

3 p.m. Musical Theatre Cabaret
Concert Hall, Carter Center for Worship and Music
Performers: Abigail Ferguson, Darik King, Joanna Killeen, Miles Rhoden, Patrick Coleman, Samantha Herbst, and Cole Hertzler
Accompanists: BJ Kirkpatrick and Prof. Amy Robertson
Join us for a lively afternoon of musical theatre as Bridgewater students take the stage in a special cabaret performance, featuring songs from Mean Girls, Les Misérables, Beauty and the Beast, and more!

Sunday, April 13

3 p.m. Miss Daaé (musical)
Concert Hall, Carter Center for Worship and Music
Music and lyrics written by Samantha Herbst (Faculty Mentor: Dr. Stan Galloway)
Adapted from the Gaston Leroux 1911 novel The Phantom of the Opera

In 1891 Paris, Ishmael tells the journalist Leroux the series of events that led to the disappearance of Miss Daaé and the downfall of the house of de Chagny ten years prior. As Daaé’s career rises, her childhood friend, the Vicomte, begs for her hand. Though she refuses him time and time again, he stalks her and unleashes a chain of events that allow her to meet Auguste, her beau, and fall further within the world of her master, a madman who will do anything to win her love. Meanwhile, Ishmael does everything to stop his friend Erik’s decent into madness.

Wednesday, April 16

6 p.m. Art Department Senior Thesis Presentations
Bowman 101
Participants: Willow Allen, Hunter Aversa, Jeremy Christian, Jalen Cunningham, Ruby Hernandez-Gomez, Juliann Jacobs, Carmen Kennedy, Jessica Lawson, Kobe Owens, Keoki Phillips, Grayson Preese, ShiLi Quade, Leah Rogers, Melia Ross, Erica Tiffany, Kiya Whitaker, Nadia Womble

Willow Allen – S.O.S.
Hunter Aversa – Digital Design
Jeremy Christian – From Horror Stories to Horror Posters
Jalen Cunningham – Verses & Visions
Ruby Hernandez-Gomez – Rooted in Tradition
Juliann Jacobs – eVAnescing
Carmen Kennedy – Surreal Puzzles
Jessica Lawson  – COS-TECH-TEST – Issue 01
Kobe Owens – Shadow Shaping
Keoki Phillips – Criptid
Grayson Preese  – The Wonder of Light
ShiLi Quade – In Memoriam
Leah Rogers – Garden Pots
Melia Ross – Beyond the Field
Erica Tiffany – Desperate Defense
Kiya Whitaker – Mythic Arcana
Nadia Womble – Glitz and Gore

Honors = Honors project
Independent = Independent study
Class = Class project
TREB = Summer research funded by The Research Experience @ Bridgewater
Martin = Summer research funded by the Dr. John W. Martin Summer Science Research Institute