The purpose of this policy is to provide information, standards, and guidance on the permissible use of names and trademarks of Bridgewater College (the “College”). The overall purpose of the trademark policy is to protect the College’s trademarks and to promote Bridgewater College. This policy should be read in conjunction with the Bridgewater College Graphic Identity Manual, which describes how the College’s trademarks should be used and displayed when use thereof is permitted by this policy.
This policy applies to faculty, staff, students, academic departments, ad hoc groups, administrative divisions/departments, alumni organizations, informal groups, and student organizations. Suppliers, manufacturers and retailers of commercial and non-commercial products must enter into a separate license agreement with the College before using any of the College’s trademarks.
A. Summary
The College owns and controls its names, marks, logos, colors, insignias, seal, designs, commercially used depictions of campus buildings and landmarks, and symbols that have become commonly associated with the College (collectively referred to as “trademarks”). The College’s trademarks include, but are not limited to: the words “Bridgewater”, “Bridgewater College” and “Bridgewater Eagles”; the BC graphic, the College’s official seal, and the Bridgewater eagle; and all current and future trademarks, service marks, word marks, designs, or logos used by the College. A partial list of the College’s trademarks is included in Appendix A. Bridgewater College owns the trademarks and all associated goodwill.
The Bridgewater College Office of Marketing & Communications is charged with promoting and protecting the College’s name and trademarks. Questions concerning this policy should be directed to the Associate Vice President of Marketing & Communications at 540-828-5782.
B. General Guidelines
The following General Guidelines apply to the use of the College’s trademarks by any individual, entity, or group (except as otherwise expressly and specifically agreed in writing by the Bridgewater College Office of Marketing & Communications). Approval to use a College trademark for one application (for example, a t-shirt) does not constitute approval to use the trademark again, or in connection with any other item, or to change the design in any way, without obtaining additional approval.
1. College Seal
The Bridgewater College official seal may only be used on official documents from the Office of the President (such as diplomas and transcripts). Any other use of the College seal requires prior written approval from the Office of Marketing & Communications.
2. No Modification of Appearance
The Bridgewater College trademarks are intended to present a positive image of Bridgewater College. The College’s trademarks must not be incorporated into the name or mark of another entity, organization, or group (except with prior written permission from the Office of Marketing & Communications or as otherwise expressly permitted by this policy).
Anyone interested in using the College’s logos (or other trademarks with graphic elements) should not attempt to recreate them or allow any printer, typesetter, or design professional to do so. Only the official logos provided by Bridgewater College may be used, copies of which are available from the Office of Marketing & Communications.
The College’s trademarks must not be modified or altered in any way. The College’s logos (and other trademarks with graphic elements) must not be distorted or rotated, and none of the elements of the trademarks may be screened, flopped, or scaled out of proportion. No additional text or images may be added to any Bridgewater College trademarks, and no other text or graphics should be displayed on top of or behind the College’s trademarks.
All use of the College’s trademarks must follow the guidelines provided in the Bridgewater College Graphic Identity Manual.
3. Commercial Use
Any commercial use of the College’s trademarks requires a signed contract with the College, initiated through the Office of Marketing & Communications.
4. Non-Commercial Use
Except for approved use by officially recognized student organizations and College faculty and staff as described in Sections E and F below, any non-commercial use of the College’s trademarks requires prior written approval from the Office of Marketing & Communications.
5. Copyright and Trademark Rights
Under no circumstances is any individual, entity, or group permitted to claim copyright or trademark rights in or seek to register any trademark or design that incorporates, in whole or in part, any of the College’s trademarks or is confusingly similar to any of the College’s trademarks.
6. Internet Domain Names
No individual, entity, or group may register or use any Internet domain name (or sub-domain name) that includes, in whole or in part, any of the College’s trademarks without the prior written approval of the Office of Marketing & Communications.
7. No Endorsements or Discrimination
The College’s trademarks may not be used in any manner that suggests or implies the College’s endorsement of other organizations, companies, products, services, political parties or views, or religious organizations or beliefs. The College’s trademarks may not be used in any way that discriminates or implies discrimination against any persons or groups based on age, ancestry, belief, color, creed, disability, national origin, race, religion, sex, or veteran status, or in any other way that would be a violation of the College’s anti-discrimination policies or practices.
8. Student Athletes
Any and all uses of the names, numbers, and/or images of the College’s student athletes must comply with College policies and NCAA regulations. Questions should be directed to the Office of Marketing & Communications, who will consult as appropriate with the Bridgewater College Athletics Department.
C. Restricted Uses
Under no circumstances is any individual, entity, or group permitted to use any of the College’s trademarks in connection with any of the following:
- Art depicting or implying the use or endorsement of
- alcohol;
- illegal drugs;
- tobacco products;
- firearms or other weapons;
- racist, sexist, hateful, demeaning or degrading language or statements;
- profanity;
- sexual acts; and
- statements impugning other educational institutions
- Art or a design incorporating trademarks or copyrights not owned by the College, unless written permission for such use satisfactory in form and substance to the College is obtained from the trademark holder or copyright owner, and approved in advance by the Office of Marketing & Communications.
The College will not approve the use of the College’s trademarks in connection with certain types of products. These include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Weapons;
- Alcohol-related products;
- Tobacco-related products;
- Illegal drug-related products;
- Sexually suggestive products or language;
- Gambling-related products;
- Food and beverage products and accompanying packaging (other than for limited internal consumption in connection with official College events, and approved in advance by the Office of Marketing & Communications);
- Products that present an unacceptable risk of liability;
- Products harmful to the mission, integrity, or image of the College; and
- Products that contain another entity’s registered trademark, unless explicit written permission has been granted from that entity.
D. Use by Student Organizations
The following guidelines apply to student organizations that are officially recognized by Bridgewater College. All use of the College’s trademarks by officially recognized student organizations must comply with this policy and the Bridgewater College Graphic Identity Manual.
1. Use in Name of Student Organization
Student organizations that are officially recognized by the College may use the “Bridgewater” or “Bridgewater College” word mark as part of the student organization’s approved name. (For example: the “Bridgewater College International Club”.)
2. Disclaimers
Student organizations may not use the College’s trademarks or the organization’s affiliation with the College in any manner that suggests or implies support or endorsement by the College of any product, movement, activity, event, or program that is not specifically endorsed or approved by the Office of Marketing & Communications. In circumstances where there is any potential indication of endorsement of such an event by the College, a disclaimer is required.
3. Other Non-Commercial Uses
Officially recognized student organizations may, in connection with such organization’s official activities, use the College’s trademarks in a non-commercial manner for internal audiences in publications, flyers and posters, letterhead and stationery, advertisements, the organization’s website, and social media. However, none of the College’s trademarks may be used in the title of any publication. Student organizations must obtain prior approval from the Office of Marketing & Communications before using any of the College’s trademarks on apparel or other products.
E. Use by College Faculty and Staff
The College’s faculty and staff may use the College’s trademarks in the ordinary course of conducting the College’s business, provided that such individuals comply with the other applicable provisions of this policy and follow the guidelines in the Bridgewater College Graphic Identity Manual. Examples of permitted uses: using the College’s unmodified trademarks on stationery, business cards, reports, materials used in academic courses, and official College catalogs, publications, reports, and similar materials. Any use of the College’s trademarks outside the core Bridgewater College academic or business areas requires prior written permission from the Office of Marketing & Communications.
F. Descriptive Use of the College’s Word Marks
Use of the Bridgewater College name or other of its trademarks in connection with news reporting and other fair uses that do not undermine the College’s rights to its trademarks do not require approval by the Office of Marketing & Communications.
Examples of Permitted Descriptive Uses:
- Identifying an individual’s affiliation with Bridgewater College, such as a “Bridgewater College student”, a “Bridgewater professor”, or “Bridgewater College alumni”.
- Identifying the location of a meeting or event, such as “in the McKinney Center” or “on the Bridgewater College campus”.
- Direct references to Bridgewater College or its official events, classes, publications, products, or services, such as “the Bridgewater Eagles Baseball Team continues to lead the conference.”
Appendix A
Bridgewater College Trademarks
- “Bridgewater College”
- “Bridgewater”
- “Bridgewater Eagles”