Protection and security
Your safety and peace of mind is important to us. When you are secure and comfortable, then you can focus on your goal of achieving academic excellence.
Bridgewater’s Campus Police and Safety Department is available 24/7 to respond immediately to potential criminal incidents, suspicious activity, requests for assistance and emergency situations. Our officers regularly patrol the campus on foot and by vehicle.
To contact the on-duty officer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, call 540-578-0652. Emergencies please call 9-1-1.
Our purpose and functions include:
- Protection of life and property for students, faculty, staff and visitors
- Protection and security of college property
- Enforcement of all college rules and regulations, including parking
- Crime prevention and investigation
- Fostering a peaceful environment, conducive to the pursuit of educational goals and personal growth
- Providing security for designated functions
- Reporting hazardous and unsafe conditions regarding college property
We want you to feel comfortable approaching us when you need help or have questions. We believe that we will win your confidence by maintaining professional attitudes, being reliable, showing concern and responding promptly.
Interim Chief Rick Biller
Interim Chief Rick Biller began his law enforcement career in 1985 in his hometown, the city of Harrisonburg, Va. After working in patrol for nearly five years, Biller became a Police Officer with the James Madison University Police Department in 1989. During his time at JMU, Biller created the department’s Field Training Officer Program and was one of the first police officers in the area to become a mountain bike patrol officer. In 1996, Biller was promoted to the rank of Sergeant, and for the next 17 years, he led a patrol squad working the night shift and striving to keep the campus safe. In 2006, Biller was assigned to head up the department’s Student Police Cadet Program.
After nearly 24 years, Biller retired from the JMU Police Department in 2013. Three months later he joined Bridgewater College Campus Police and Safety as a Police Sergeant. In 2017, Biller was promoted to the rank of Deputy Chief/Lieutenant. He currently oversees the daily operations of the department and strives to provide the BC community with the highest quality service.
The goal of the Bridgewater College Cadet Program is to enhance the safety and welfare of the campus community, to serve the Bridgewater College community, to assist campus sworn police officers and campus safety officers, and to reduce the impact of crime on campus and the individuals of the Bridgewater College community. The Cadet program and the Bridgewater Campus Police and Safety Office are committed to the educational process and total student development.
The cadets have no police powers and will contact sworn police officers or campus safety officers if they see a crime or safety issue occurring. Cadet duties include, but are not limited to, patrolling the immediate campus, safety escorts and other security-related functions of the campus.
The cadets are all Bridgewater College students. Any Bridgewater student who is at least a sophomore can apply for a cadet position.
Further information regarding the Bridgewater College Cadet Program can be obtained by contacting the Campus Police and Safety Office at 540-828-5609.
We are recognized as a police agency by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services. Our chief of police, lieutenant and sworn police officers have received their training for certification through an accredited police academy. They have full law enforcement authority on campus and surrounding area. They can investigate crimes, make arrests and enforce all laws. They also collaborate with local law enforcement departments.
We offer honest, timely communication in the event of an emergency on campus. Our Emergency Alert System sends a text message to your cell phone in the event of an emergency. Be aware that your cell phone provider may charge a nominal fee for each text message you receive.
Here’s how to sign up for the Bridgewater College Emergency Alert System:
- Log into MyBC.
- On the top right, click Self Service Main Menu to go to Self Service.
- In Self Service, click “User Options” to open the left-side dropdown. Click “Emergency Alerts.”
- Provide the information requested.
You will be asked to provide a password, your 10-digit cell phone number and your cell phone carrier (the company that provides your cell service). The password will be used to login to the service after signing up to make changes to your account. Upon signing up, you will be presented with a verification page and will receive a text message to your phone. Enter the verification number from the text message in the box to activate your account.
Emergency alerts may be sent to two cell phone numbers and/or five e-mail addresses. Just include the additional contact information to your emergency alert account. A current student must add this contact information. Parents are not permitted to add the information themselves.
Please make sure you know who your cell phone carrier is before signing up for this service. If you do not see your carrier in the drop down list, please contact the Help Desk at 540-828-4357.
Submit this Form for Campus Crime
This form should be used to report when a crime has occurred on campus. CSAs are encouraged to use this form if they need to file a report of a qualifying crime.
If it is an emergency, please contact 9-1-1, Campus Police directly at (540) 828-5609 or the on-duty officer at (540) 578-0652
You may find yourself in need of emergency assistance when you’re away from your friends or your residence hall. Emergency call boxes are located throughout campus to be used for security or safety concerns that require an immediate response. These call boxes are attached to poles with lights at the top so that they can be spotted easily.
They are situated so that you can activate them without exiting your car if necessary. By pushing the large red button, you will immediately activate the blue flashing light and initiate a call to the Campus Police and Safety Department. We will stay in touch with you until an officer arrives on the scene.
Emergency call box locations:
- Geisert Hall parking lot
- Kline Campus Center parking lots
- McKinney Hall parking lot
It is considered a serious breach of campus policy to activate the call box as a prank.
We want you to feel safe reporting any violations of campus regulations or criminal activities, whether you’re a witness or a victim. To report a crime tip anonymously, please fill out this form.
Submit this Form for Campus Crime
This form should be used to report when a crime has occurred on campus. CSAs are encouraged to use this form if they need to file a report of a qualifying crime.
If this is an emergency. please contact Campus Police immediately as (540) 828-5609.
CSAs are required to report any Act qualifying crimes that they are made aware of to the Bridgewater College Campus Police Department. Timely reporting of crimes is encouraged and sometimes required. Campus Police will use the submitted information to verify the appropriate crime classification and to compile statistics to be included in the Annual Security Reports that Bridgewater College publishes and distributes each fall.
Bridgewater College has established protocols for responding to reports of missing students, as required by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008.
If you live on campus, you may provide the campus police department with the names of people who should be contacted if you are deemed a missing person.
Here’s how to register:
- Log into MyBC.
- On the top right, click Self Service Main Menu to go to Self Service.
- In Self Service, click “User Options” to open the left-side dropdown. Click “Emergency and Missing Person Information.”
- Provide the information requested.
The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act requires colleges and universities to report annually information regarding their campus security policies and campus crime statistics.
The following report is submitted in compliance with the Act:
The following report is submitted in compliance with the Act:
The Emergency Operations Plan establishes clear guidelines for responding to disaster and crisis situations. View Bridgewater’s Crisis and Emergency Management Plan (.pdf).
Bridgewater College is committed to providing all students with an educational environment free from discrimination. Learn more about our sexual assault policy and procedures.
The following are mutual aid agreements between the Bridgewater College Police Department and other law enforcement agencies serving within the jurisdiction of Bridgewater College.
In accordance with the Campus Sex Prevention Act of 2000, which amends the Jacob Wetterling Act as well as the Jeanne Clery Act and the Family Privacy Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, the Bridgewater College Police Department is providing a link to the Virginia State Police Sex Offender Registry ( By entering the website, the user will be able to query registered convicted sex offenders in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
The U.S. Department of Justice’s National Sex Offender Public Website can be accessed at
The Safety Committee is a cross-divisional committee responsible for assessing, prioritizing, and reviewing safety initiatives across campus that will develop strategies regarding campus safety concerns and injury prevention. The scope of the committee is holistic in nature, encompassing a review of all facets of campus safety and prevention efforts, including matters related to programs, education and trainings, physical and environmental safety, and safety-related policies. The committee reports to the Cabinet.
The committee is responsible for:
- discussing and analyzing hazards identified by campus internal and external constituencies
- reviewing completion of relevant inspections of work areas and buildings, prioritizing safety discrepancies discovered, and recommending corrective measures.
- reviewing and recommending updates to safety rules and safe operating procedures.
- reviewing all accident reports and incidents reported since last meeting.
- encouraging feedback from all employees regarding safety, including ideas for better safety awareness and safer practices, and identification of possible safety hazards.
The committee’s work is expected to result in:
- A set of prioritized safety initiatives.
- Campus-wide communication of safety policies, training programs, and other safety-related matters to campus constituencies.
- Evaluation of current safety efforts and their outcomes to enable continuous improvement and strategic prevention-oriented planning.
The committee will make recommendations to the Cabinet regarding funding priorities related to campus safety needs.
The committee will meet monthly and report quarterly to Cabinet.
If you have questions about safety on campus or to report a non-emergency safety concern, please feel free to reach out to the members below.
To contact the on-duty campus police and safety officer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, call 540-578-0652. Emergencies, please call 9-1-1.
Chair – Rick Biller
Facilities – LaDonna Shiflet
Academics – Dr. Philip Spickler
Academics – Dr. Barbara H. Long
Academics – Dr. Betsy Hayes
Human Resources – Kim Harper
Information Technology – Aaron Klein
Student Life – Liz Howley
Student Accommodations – Denise Miller
Campus Police and Safety – Richard Coiner
Questions? Contact Us
122 College View Dr
Bridgewater, VA 22812