Bridgewater College offices will be closed starting at noon on Friday, December 20 through Wednesday, January 1 for the holiday season. Campus offices will reopen at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, January 2.

For those wishing to make a contribution to the College in this tax year, gifts can be made at or by mail to Bridgewater College, Box 33, 402 East College Street, Bridgewater VA 22812. Credit card gifts must be completed on or before December 31, 2024, to be counted as a 2024 gift. Checks must be postmarked on or before December 31, 2024. Please call 540-828-5448 with any questions, and we will return your call as soon as possible.

For any campus-related emergencies during the break, please call campus police and safety at 540-578-0652. Best wishes for a happy and safe holiday season!

Bethany Newman and Tori Smith Senior Recital

Graphic of two treble clefts |Two treble notes

Bethany M. Newman will present a percussion recital and Tori E. Smith will present a piano recital Saturday, Nov. 2, in the Concert Hall in the Carter Center for Worship and Music at Bridgewater College.

Bethany M. Newman and Tori E. Smith will present a senior recital at 3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 2, in the Concert Hall in the Carter Center for Worship and Music at Bridgewater College.

For her percussion recital, Newman will perform “Lost Mountain Sunrise” by Blake Tyson, “The Ragtime Robin” by George Hamilton Green, “Resonances” by Morris Goldenberg and “Six Unaccompanied Solos for Snare Drum No. 1” by Michael Colgrass.

Newman and Kalia N. Page, a junior music major and the daughter of Tiffany and Ryan Galaz of Stanardsville, Va., will perform a marimba duet of Fernando Sor’s “Study in A Minor.”

Newman studies percussion under Marlon Foster, adjunct instructor of music at Bridgewater College.

Newman, a music major, is the daughter of Greg and Tina Newman of Dayton, Va. She is a member of the Symphonic Band, the Jazz Ensemble and the Handbell Choir. She serves as co-director of the Pep Band and is a member of the National Association for Music Educators.

For her piano recital, Smith will perform “Sonatina Op. 39, No. 1” by Frank Lynes and “Prelude in C Major” by Johann Sebastian Bach. Smith will also perform “Una Mattina” by Ludovico Einaudi and “Stars and Wind” and “España” by Catherine Rollin.

Smith and Kathryn E. McElroy, a senior music major and the daughter of James and Alison McElroy of Dayton, Va., will perform piano duets of Johannes Brahms’ “Sixteen Waltzes, Op. 39, No. 10 and No. 11.”

Smith studies piano under Lacey Johnson, instructor of music at Bridgewater College.

Smith, a liberal studies major with a minor in music, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rod Cline of Bridgewater, Va., and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Smith of North Port, Fla. She is a member of the Symphonic Band, the Jazz Ensemble and the Handbell Choir.

The recital is free and open to the public.
