Bridgewater College offices will be closed starting at noon on Friday, December 20 through Wednesday, January 1 for the holiday season. Campus offices will reopen at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, January 2.

For those wishing to make a contribution to the College in this tax year, gifts can be made at or by mail to Bridgewater College, Box 33, 402 East College Street, Bridgewater VA 22812. Credit card gifts must be completed on or before December 31, 2024, to be counted as a 2024 gift. Checks must be postmarked on or before December 31, 2024. Please call 540-828-5448 with any questions, and we will return your call as soon as possible.

For any campus-related emergencies during the break, please call campus police and safety at 540-578-0652. Best wishes for a happy and safe holiday season!
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Welcome Week

August 22, 2024 August 26, 2024

Collage of photos. Student holding sign that says Welcome First Years. Group of students smiling for camera. Students with Welcome Week Pro shirts on giving thumbs up. Mom and dad smiling with daughter during move in.

Welcome Week is the first step in discovering how you belong in the BC Community! Welcome Week is designed for students to meet your FILA 150 classmates and a Soar Mentor, to learn expectations of living in the BC community and to provide resources to enhance your academic success.

Welcome Week is part of our required extended orientation and transition experience – and the official start of the Bridgewater College academic and co-curricular experience for new Eagles! 

First-Year Students will move in on Thursday, Aug. 22, 2024. You will spend a week with your Soar Mentor who will guide you through several days of learning about living in community at Bridgewater, getting to know members of your FILA 150 class and instructor and forming a tight bond with other members of the Class of 2028. This is a required extension of our orientation and transition experience and will only be excused for students with extenuating circumstances. Please contact if you have said circumstances. 

Residential Transfer Students will join us on campus on Sunday, Aug. 25, 2024.  On Monday, Aug. 26, all transfer students will meet their FILA 350 classmates and professor and get acclimated to your new home.   

*Please note, if you are asked to come to arrive to campus early that information will be communicated to you separately. 

Schedule of Events

Please note:
* are required sessions for ALL STUDENTS
^ are required sessions for Residential Students
+ are required sessions for Commuter Students

*9 a.m.-Noon First-year student move-in for residential students

*11 a.m.–1 p.m. Welcome Week Fair and New Student Checklist
Forrer Learning Commons
Discover campus resources and complete your New Student Checklist. Pick up your student ID, learn about Family Weekend and complete important college documents such as student employment or financial aid paperwork.

Noon-1 p.m. Meet and Greet with the President (Optional)
Forrer Learning Commons, fireplace
Families, come to our meet and greet session with President Bushman and Dean Leslie Frere, VP of Student Life, while enjoying light refreshments.   

+3 p.m. Commuter Student Welcome
McKinney 100
Connect with important resources such as Campus Police and Safety, get your parking decal and your ID, and learn how you can enjoy meals in the Main Dining Hall. 

*3:45 p.m. Say Goodbye to Families
Make your way to the Campus Mall to meet your Soar Mentor and FILA 150 group. Your group number can  be found on your printed arrival schedule.

*4-6:30 p.m. Connect. Engage. Belong.
Soar Mentor room (Location on corner of your printed arrival schedule) and dinner rotation
Meet your Soar Mentor and other members of your FILA-150 class for your first official meeting at Bridgewater College! You’ll go over your Welcome Week schedule, get to know one another better and begin to earn points for the BC Cup!

*6:30 p.m. What Does It Mean to Live in the BC Community?
Cole Hall
We are excited to officially welcome you to our campus. Meet Resident Advisors and Soar Mentors who will be guiding you through your first several days on campus.  

*7:30 p.m. Soaring to New Heights Together: Strengthening the Eagles Family
Cole Hall
In this engaging and exciting session, you will gain insights to successfully navigating the transition to college and take advantage of this opportunity to develop into the best version of yourself. Get ready for a special experience to learn, laugh and love your decision to be at BC.

*9:30 p.m. Afterparty in the K
Take a few moments to chill after a long day of moving in. Enjoy ice cream from Smiley’s, play arcade games and chat with new friends.
Please note that if you need to participate from a distance, you can feel free to enjoy your ice cream in the Kline Campus Center Lobby.

7-8:45 a.m. Breakfast
Main Dining Hall
Don’t forget you are required to bring your ID card with you to all meals. 

*9 a.m. Design Your Group Flag and Prepare for BC Cup Challenges
FILA-150 Classrooms
Please note this IS NOT required for fall athletes and Screamin’ Eagles Marching Band members

*10 a.m. BC Cup Challenges
Campus Mall (Rain Location: Funkhouser Wellness Center Gym)
FILA-150 classes battle it out for the First-Year Championship Cup! You’ll be challenged physically, mentally and strategically through a series of activities to earn points for the BC Cup. Wear your class shirt and be prepared to move! Wayne Hoffman will announce the winner of this weekend-long competition on Sunday night. You won’t want to miss it!

*Noon Lunch Rotations
Main Dining Hall

*1:30-3:15 p.m. FILA-150 and Advising Session, and Honor Council Introduction
Soar Mentor Friday room location on front of your printed arrival schedule
Meet your FILA-150 professor as you participate in your first FILA-150 class! Hear about your FILA-150 topic, ask questions and finalize your class schedule.Meet the chair of the Honor Council for an introduction to the honor code and the role the Honor Council plays at Bridgewater College. 

*3:30-4:30 p.m. Department Meeting for Your Academic Major
Your Soar Mentor will have locations for these meetings
Meet professors and department chairs from your major. Learn more about your major and have any questions answered. 

*4:30–7:45 p.m. Time with Your Soar Mentor and Dinner Rotation
Main Dining Hall
Don’t forget you are required to bring your ID card with you to all meals. FILA-150 groups will spend time with their Soar Mentors, go through a dinner rotation, and check out the college campus. Use this time to ask any questions you may have and continue to get to know other members of the BC community.

7:45 p.m. Meet Your RA for Patrick Holbert
RAs will let you know where to meet. Commuters, please meet Soar Mentors in the KCC Lobby.

*8-9 p.m. An Evening with Patrick Holbert
Cole Hall
In this hilarious and educational comedy show, Patrick Holbert tells stories and jokes about his past addiction and current sobriety. “Punch Line Drunk” outlines his transformative journey from abusing substances to amusing audiences. It’s an informational “TED Talk of Shame” spanning his college years as an overachiever under the influence, his career as a TV producer, and how it all came crashing down.
Enjoy Shirley’s popcorn, including BC’s very own flavor, Crimson Crunch.
Please note that if you need to participate from a distance, feel free to enjoy your Shirley’s popcorn in the patio/firepit area of the FLC or the firepit at the Kline Campus Center.

10 a.m. Saturday Brunch
Main Dining Hall
Grab your breakfast before you head to Cole Hall for morning speakers.

*10:45 a.m. Meet with Your Soar Mentor

*11 a.m. How Diverse Identities Make our Community Stronger Presenter: Eboné Bell
Cole Hall
Bell will define the term diversity, help students learn the difference between intention and intentional, and why deciphering the two is vital. She will also explore ways in which we can show up as allies in everyday life. This session will give students an understanding of how to navigate differences, become comfortable in having difficult conversations that allow us to understand each other better, and learn how the diverse identities we bring to BC make us a richer and stronger community.
Please note that if you need to take a break from this session, we’d ask that you excuse yourself quietly to the Kline Campus Center Lobby. 

*Noon-1:15 p.m. BC Cup Challenges and Lunch Rotation
Join your Soar Mentor group in taking on the rest of the incoming class of 2028 as you take over BC’s campus to earn points for the BC Cup! New challenges will be given each day for groups to have the chance to earn points and take home the title of this year’s BC Cup champs. Take a break for lunch in the Main Dining Hall during your lunch rotation. 

Noon- 1:30 p.m. Information Technology Center Open
Forrer Learning Commons
The IT center can be reached by calling 540-828-4357, emailing or visiting the IT center in Bowman 200.

*1:30 p.m. Living in the BC Community
FILA-150 Classrooms
As you transition into this next phase of your life, what does it mean to you to be a college student at BC? With your Soar Mentor group and BC United, take some time to reflect on the insights shared by our speakers and how these shape your identity within the BC community.

*2:40 p.m. Campus Police and Safety
Cole Hall
Welcome from Chief Milton Franklin of the Campus Police and Safety Department. Our officers are available to the Bridgewater College community 24/7. Your safety and peace of mind are our primary goals because when you feel secure and comfortable, you can succeed. Part of being successful includes preparing for the unknown, such as hostile intruder situations. We also offer safety escorts for students 24/7. To access this, please call the On-Duty officer at 540-578-0652 for assistance.

3-5 p.m. Recess and Refresh
Take a few moments, catch your breath and just hang out with new friends! See activities below.

3-5 p.m. Eagle Success Program Kickoff Social
IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Advocacy) Center, 112 College View Drive
Look forward to new beginnings and building lasting connections as we start the academic year. This is a mandatory event for first-year students enrolled into     the Eagle Success Program. Come explore the IDEA Center, BC’s multicultural space on campus. Socialize with the Eagle Success team members and team leaders through a series of fun, interactive activities to recognize each other’s accomplishments, learn about the goals of the program and get to know one another better.

3-3:50 p.m. Campus tours
Meet in KCC Lobby
Take a campus tour led by a Soar Mentor. 

3-5 p.m. Open gym
Funkhouser Center
Check out our weight room, indoor track and indoor basketball courts. Please bring your valid BC ID card to access the Funk.

3-5 p.m. Crafts and games
Eagle’s Nest
Do a puzzle, color, make a bracelet or play Nintendo Switch.

3-5 p.m. Door decorations
Eagle’s Nest
Join the Residence Life team to make personalized door decorations for yourself, your roommate or your hallmates. 

3-5 p.m. Tabletop Roleplaying Game – D&D One-Shots
KCC Lobby
Led by Game Master Joshua North. Learn Pathfinder 2nd Edition, no experience required. Bring your imagination and teamwork to save The Terrific Toybox in this fun tabletop roleplaying game.

3-5 p.m. Lawn games
Campus Mall
Play lawn games with BC United and the Wellness Education Director. 

3-5 p.m. Therapy dogs
Campus Mall
Visit with some of the therapy dogs that come to our campus on a monthly basis.

3-5 p.m. Hammock and hang with Soar Mentors
Campus Mall
Hammocking is a popular activity at BC! Bring your own hammock or learn how to set one up while hanging out with a Soar Mentor. Free hammocks to the first 15 students.. 

3-5 p.m. Open pool hours
Nininger Hall
Come swim some laps or just enjoy a dip in the water.

4-4:50 p.m. Clay pot painting
Eagle’s Nest Patio
Rain Location: Eagle’s Nest
Paint clay pots with the College Chaplain.

*5-7 p.m. Dinner
Main Dining Hall
Meet with your Soar Mentor and FILA-150 group for dinner in the Main Dining Hall. Talk about your option sessions, and get ready for an evening at the President’s House!

*7-9 p.m. Dr. Bushman’s Backyard Bash
President’s House
Dr. Bushman will welcome you to BC as he opens his home to you and your FILA-150 group. Meet the President and enjoy games, desserts and a fun time socializing.

Backyard Bash Rotation:
*6:45 Groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11: Meet your Soar Mentor for Dr. Bushman’s Backyard Bash rotation
Meet your Soar Mentor at the tent behind Cole Hall and enter at the assigned time

*7:45 Groups 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19: Meet your Soar Mentor for Dr. Bushman’s Backyard Bash rotation
Meet your Soar Mentor at the tent behind Cole Hall and enter at the assigned time

10 a.m. Sunday Brunch
Main Dining Hall
Grab your breakfast before you head to Cole Hall for morning speakers.

*10:45 a.m. Meet with your Soar Mentor for the day

*11:00 a.m. Find Your Voice: Addressing Sexual Violence as a Community Presenter: Megan Rae
Cole Hall
In this presentation, Megan Rae provides foundational knowledge on the various forms of sexual violence, discusses what unhealthy and healthy relationships look like, and challenges you to embrace community change by being part of the solution, even if you are not part of the problem. Now is the time to find your voice and commit to promoting a violence-free Bridgewater College community.
Please note that if you need to take a break from this session, we’d ask that you excuse yourself quietly to the Kline Campus Center Lobby.  

*Noon-1:15 p.m. BC Cup Challenges and Lunch Rotation
Join your Soar Mentor group in taking on the rest of the incoming class of 2028 as you take over BC’s campus to earn points for the BC Cup! New challenges will be given each day for groups to have the chance to earn points and take home the challenge of this year’s BC Cup champs. Take a break for lunch in the Main Dining Hall during your lunch rotation. 

Noon-3 p.m. Information Technology Center Open
Bowman 200
The IT center can be reached by calling 540-828-4357, emailing or visiting the IT center in Bowman 200.

*1:30 p.m. If You See Something, Say Something
Soar Mentor Room
Being a Bridgewater College Eagle means helping your fellow students and intervening when someone is at risk—whether it’s related to alcohol abuse, relationship abuse, mental health issues or academic help. Learn the tools you need to recognize a problem, how to initiate help for one another and how to be a bystander to help in our community.
Sponsored by BC’s Office of Wellness Education

3-5 p.m. Recess and Refresh
Take a few moments, catch your breath and just hang out with new friends! See activities below.

3-3:50 p.m. (Invite only) College Kickoff: meet the case management team and get set for success!
Boitnott Room
Look for a special invite in your email to join the case management team to prepare for your first weeks at college!

3-3:50 p.m. Classroom buildings tour
Meet in KCC Lobby
Bring your class schedule and a Soar Mentor will walk you around to the buildings your classes are in. 

 3-4 p.m. Visit Smitty’s
Smitty’s, Forrer Learning Commons
Take a few minutes to visit BC’s on-campus café serving Starbucks drinks. 

3-4:30 p.m. Visit Campus Store
Cole Hall
Check out the campus store for new BC gear.

3-5 p.m. Open gym
Funkhouser Center
Check out our weight room, indoor track and indoor basketball courts to get your fitness on. Please bring your valid BC ID card to access the Funk. 

3-5 p.m. Crafts and games
Eagle’s Nest
Do a puzzle, color, make a bracelet or play Nintendo Switch 

3-5 p.m. Door decorations
Eagle’s Nest
Join the Residence Life team to make personalized door decorations for yourself, your roommate or your hallmates, 

3-5 p.m. Tabletop Roleplaying Game – D&D One-Shots
KCC Lobby
Led by Game Master Joshua North. Learn Pathfinder 2nd Edition, no experience required. Bring your imagination and teamwork to save The Terrific Toybox in this fun tabletop roleplaying game.

3-5 p.m. Hammock and hang with Soar Mentors
Campus Mall
Hammocking is a popular activity at BC! Bring your own hammock or learn how to set one up while hanging out with a Soar Mentor. Free hammocks to the first 15 students. 

3-5 p.m. Open pool hours
Nininger Hall
Come swim some laps or just enjoy a dip in the water.

4-4:50 p.m. Jewelry making
IDEA Center
Make jewelry with the Coordinator for Diversity Education and Advocacy. 

4-4:50 p.m. College Kickoff: meet the case management team and get set for success!
Boitnott Room
Do you have questions or concerns before we start classes? Join some Student Life staff members to prepare for your first weeks at college. 

5-7:30 p.m. Dinner
Main Dining Hall
Meet with your Soar Mentor and FILA-150 group for dinner in the Main Dining Hall. Talk about your day and get ready for Wayne Hoffman. 

7:45 p.m. Meet Your Soar Mentor for Wayne Hoffman
Soar Mentors will let you know where to meet.

*8-9:15 p.m. CEAT presents Wayne Hoffman, mentalist and illusionist
Cole Hall
Join CEAT for mentalist and illusionist Wayne Hoffman! You will see mind-boggling illusions, laugh out loud and maybe even have your mind read. This is one show you don’t want to miss. The BC Cup winners will also be announced! Cotton candy will be available.
Please note that if you need to participate from a distance, feel free to enjoy your cotton candy in the lobby of the Kline Campus Center.

7-9 a.m. Breakfast
Main Dining Hall
Don’t forget you are required to bring your ID card with you to all meals. 

8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. All college offices open. 

*9 a.m. Meet Soar Mentors for Class of 2028 Picture

*9:15 a.m. Class of 2028 Picture
Jopson Field
Meet to take the official class of 2028 picture. Remember to wear your class of 2028 T-shirt!

*9:45 a.m. Lineup for Opening Convocation

*10 a.m. Opening Convocation and Celebration
Convocation: Nininger Gym, Celebration: Rebecca Quad
Join us as we ring in the new semester and celebrate your next chapter as a BC Eagle. Following the convocation, you will be ushered through the Echelon to the Opening Celebration on Rebecca Quad, led by the Screamin’ Eagles Marching Band.

11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Lunch Rotations and Soar Mentor Time
Main Dining Hall
Don’t forget you are required to bring your ID card with you to all meals. 

2-5 p.m. Recess and Refresh
Take a few moments, catch your breath and just hang out with new friends! See activities below.

2-5 p.m. Open gym
Funkhouser center
Check out our weight room, indoor track and indoor basketball courts. Please bring your valid BC ID card to access the Funk.

2-5 p.m. Tabletop games
KCC Lobby
Play various board games. 

2-5 p.m. Hammock and hang with Soar Mentors
Campus Mall
Hammocking is a popular activity at BC! Bring your own hammock or learn how to set one up while hanging out with a Soar Mentor. Free hammocks to the first 15 students. 

2-5 p.m. Open pool hours
Nininger Hall
Come swim some laps or just enjoy a dip in the water.

2:30-3 p.m. Tour of the K
Meet in KCC Lobby
A Soar Mentor will show you how to navigate the Main Dining Hall. Meet in the KCC Lobby. 

3-3:50 p.m. Campus tours
Meet in KCC Lobby
Take a campus tour led by a Soar Mentor. 

5-7:30 p.m. Dinner
Main Dining Hall
Don’t forget you are required to bring your ID card with you to all meals.

*^8 p.m. Community orientation for residence halls
All residence halls will meet with both new and upper class students. You’ll discuss your Community Living Agreement, policies and procedures in the building, and prepare for the year in your hall. This meeting is for all residential students. See individual buildings for details (time and location).

*+8 p.m. Commuter Kickback
Eagles Nest, Kline Campus Center
Commuters ONLY, join us for a time to get to know other commuters, games and refreshments. Learn about the green box grab and go program through Parkhurst.

9:20 p.m. Meet your Soar Mentor to head to Summer Bingo Bash 

*9:30 p.m. CEAT presents: Summer Bingo Bash
Main Dining Hall
At Summer Bingo Bash, celebrate your last day of summer where you can win more than $1,000 worth in prizes. Bring your friends and your good luck charms, and start your semester off with a chance to win a Nintendo Switch as the grand BINGO prize. Enjoy a top your own cheesecake bar.
Please note that if you need to participate from a distance, feel free to enjoy your cheesecake in the lobby of the Kline Campus Center.

Tuesday, August 27

8 a.m. Classes Begin

Wednesday, August 28

6:30 p.m. BC ENGAGE Worship
Stone Chapel, Carter Center
BC Engage is a casual, contemporary and non-denominational worship service featuring fun and food, led by Rev. Erin Skinner, BC’s Chaplain. For more information on many other off-campus services, email 

Saturday, August 31

7-9 p.m. BC Block Party
College View Drive
Get ready to rock the block at BC’s Block Party on College View Drive! From Campus Police to the IDEA Center, we’ve got it all covered – with live music by the Steel Candey Brass Band, inflatables, the Kona Ice truck, henna, personalized street signs, tote bag painting, intramural 4-square, 3v3 basketball and more! We are raffling off one fully paid parking pass, one 50% off parking pass and more! Don’t miss this unforgettable night of music, games and good vibes!

Monday, September 2

1-2 p.m. Desserts with the Dean
FLC Fireplace
Come hang out with the Student Life staff and Dean Frere for casual chats and desserts. It’s a relaxed opportunity to connect and have a sweet time with our office.

Thursday, September 5

7-8:30 p.m. Campus Connections Fair
Campus Mall (Rain location: Funkhouser Center Gym)
Find out how to get involved in BC’s clubs and orgs, check out student employment opportunities and volunteer opportunities, and connect with local religious organizations. Stop by tables, meet club and org leaders, and join groups that interest you!

Schedule of Events

*Required for All Transfer Students 
Please note that all events with an asterisk are required unless the student has extenuating circumstances.

*9 a.m.-2 p.m. Residential check-in
Residential students only, commuters report on Monday, Aug. 26 at 9 a.m.
*3-5 p.m. Recess and Refresh
5-7 p.m. Dinner
8 p.m. CEAT event

*9 a.m. Welcome reception and breakfast
*9:45 a.m. Join the Class of 2028 for the Opening Convocation
*10-11:30 a.m. Academic Convocation and celebration
*Noon Opening Day lunch
2-5 p.m. Recess and Refresh
5-8:30 p.m. Dinner
*8-9 p.m. Residence hall community meeting. Residential students only.
8-9 p.m. Commuter Kickback
9:30-11 p.m. CEAT presents: BC BINGO BASH

Please note: all events with an asterisk are required. If you have extenuating circumstances, please contact

Tuesday, August 27

8 a.m. Classes Begin

Wednesday, August 28

6:30 p.m. BC ENGAGE Worship
Rebecca Quad
(Weather location: Stone Chapel, Carter Center)
BC Engage is a casual, contemporary and non-denominational worship service featuring fun and food, led by Rev. Erin Skinner, BC’s Chaplain. For more information on many other off-campus services, email 

Saturday, August 31

7-9 p.m. BC Block Party
College View Drive
Get ready to rock the block at BC’s Block Party on College View Drive! From Campus Police to the IDEA Center, we’ve got it all covered – with live music by the Steel Candey Brass Band, inflatables, the Kona Ice truck, henna, personalized street signs, tote bag painting, intramural 4-square, 3v3 basketball and more! We are raffling off one fully paid parking pass, one 50% off parking pass and more! Don’t miss this unforgettable night of music, games and good vibes!

Monday, September 2

1-2 p.m. Desserts with the Dean
FLC Fireplace
Come hang out with the Student Life staff and Dean Frere for casual chats and desserts. It’s a relaxed opportunity to connect and have a sweet time with our office.

Thursday, September 5

7-8:30 p.m. Campus Connections Fair
Campus Mall (Rain location: Funkhouser Center Gym)
Find out how to get involved in BC’s clubs and orgs, check out student employment opportunities and volunteer opportunities, and connect with local religious organizations. Stop by tables, meet club and org leaders, and join groups that interest you!
