Founder’s Day

Bridgewater College will celebrate Founder’s Day on Tuesday, April 4, 2023. […]

Bridgewater College Professor of History Emeritus Studies Emancipation in the Valley

Once finalized in the latter half of 2023, the digital history project website will include primary documents, essays, classroom activities linked to the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL), a timeline, suggested reading and images of peoples, places and artifacts that highlight the war’s emancipationist memory in the Shenandoah Valley. […]

Engineering Major

Your path to becoming an engineer BC’s bachelor of science in engineering prepares you for a challenging and rewarding career in mechanical engineering, robotics, aerospace, electrical systems and technology, and […]

The Research Experience @ Bridgewater

Summer 2023 Projects The Research Experience @ Bridgewater is a donor-funded initiative providing support for teams of BC faculty and undergraduate students to spend the summer in collaborative research and […]